Sona Nshanyan
- Reproductive Endocrinologist, Gynecologist, PHD
- Medical practice 18 years.
- Knows all modern methodes of diagnostics and treatment of gynecology and obstetrics pathology as well as all ART methods.
Clinical interests
- Knows all modern methodes of diagnostics and treatment of gynecology and obstetrics pathology as well as all ART methods
- Treatment of patients with combined genesis infertility
- Fertility recovery at a late reproductive age
- Pregravid preparation of patients with a history of failed IVF attempts
- Selection of minimum stimulation regimens and management of patients with reduced ovarian reserves
- Conducting complex, integrated programs, including using oocyte donation and surrogacy
- ART programs for women with extragenital pathology, selection of special stimulation regimens.
- Graduated from the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov, specialty – general medicine
- Residency at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov
- Postgraduate education
- Completed postgraduate studies at the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov
- 2003 – defended a thesis for the candidate degree on “Diagnostics and treatment of structural and functional disorders of the endometrium in infertile women”
- Additional courses of certification at leading scientific centers: Scientific Center of Obsterics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after V.Kulakov; Department of postgraduate studies of the Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenov; Department of postgraduate studies of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.Evdokimov; Scientific research Center of Obsterics and Gynecology named after D.Ott; People Friendship University of Russia.
- Member of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction and European Society of Human Reproduction and Reproductology
- PhD in medical sciences
- Assistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine at the People's Friendship University of Russia)
- Author and co-author of scientific publications on reproduction published in leading Russian and foreign editions
- General work experience – 18 years, 13 of them in reproduction medicine
- Active participation in numerous international and regional forums and conferences on reproductive medicine
- Conducts training courses for obstetricians and gynecologists.
Programas populares de FIV
La Clínica Altravita ocupa posiciones de liderazgo en el campo de la medicina reproductiva, el tratamiento de la infertilidad femenina y masculina, estudios citogenéticos y genéticos moleculares.
Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.
¡Muchas gracias, Dr. Vladimir Valentinovich, es usted una persona maravillosa y un especialista excepcional! Gracias a su tratamiento y enfoque único, el 10 de abril tuvimos a nuestra preciosa niña. Usted siempre sabía exactamente qué decir para animarnos. A pesar de todos los fracasos, nunca perdió la esperanza y siguió proponiendo nuevos planes de tratamiento hasta que por fin tuvimos éxito. Vuelvo a darles las gracias y les deseo mucho éxito en su esfuerzo.